Saturday, April 20, 2013
Week 32
How far along: 32 weeks, 5 days
Size of Baby S: 16.7 in, 3.75 lbs (I love that decimal point accuracy, haha)
Fruit/vegetable comparison (according to Baby Center): jicama
Total weight gain: 19 lbs.
Sleep: Good. I am consistently having to get up at least once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I wake up and try to turn and my bladder is so full that it hurts to move. That's when I opt to get up. ;-)
Movement: Lots! It's wonderful to feel her move. She was moving around like crazy Thursday night and Jason and I were trying to identify which part of her body was moving where so we can start preparing and doing activities to get her in the optimal birthing position over the next couple of weeks.
Unglamorous body changes: Even though the scale didn't show and increase in weight, I woke up Monday feeling very pregnant and heavy. I shared these vulnerable feelings with Jason only to have him (non)empathetically retort, "Well you've still got 8 weeks to go and you're going to get a lot bigger." Thanks honey. That was awesome.
I've also been really tired this week, but I think that's my own fault and doing since I've spent every night this week doing something with our air shipment that arrived on Monday!
Maternity Clothes? Yep.
Showing: Yep.
Food cravings: Nothing really.
What I miss: Cycling. The BP MS 150 is this weekend, a 2 day, 150+ mile bike ride from Houston to Austin that I participated in the past two years. I wish I could be there riding with everyone this year!
Anything making you queasy: Nope.
Strange experiences: I'm not sure what would top printing soft porn at work last week so I've got nothing. ;-)
Milestones: Madison should start gaining half a pound a week from now on until delivery. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair/peach fuzz. Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Best moment this week: Receiving our air shipment of Madison stuff this week!! My sweet husband already got everything put together (glider, crib, pack and play, bouncer, bookshelf) and I have been organizing and starting on laundry to get all of her clothes ready.
Thursday we got a call that our stroller had arrived and we were able to go get it picked up after work. I absolutely LOVE it and I cannot wait to use it!
Looking forward to: Spending the weekend solo while Jason is away on the Men's Retreat with our church. I am excited to do nothing, but nursery stuff to get ready for Madison! And hopefully there will be some reveal pictures in the next few weeks. :-)
Next weekend Jason and I are taking a birth class. We also are taking a homeopathy preparation course. I've started to think more and more about the actual delivery and trying to prepare myself (both mentally and physically) for what's to come. I started reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth, a book from one of the most well-known midwives. I also attended a prenatal yoga workshop on Sunday, but am just not totally sold on it. It was good at stretching out my hips and practicing breathing and I did enjoy it more than I have enjoyed yoga in the past (perhaps the hormone relaxin flowing through my system is taking effect!). I might attend another, but I believe the course next weekend will also discuss some breathing and labor techniques so I will wait and see what's covered in there before I make a decision.
Overall though, I am just starting to reflect on the whole childbirth, labor, and delivery process. It seems strange to be praying and preparing for Madison's arrival since it still seems surreal that we are having a baby!
If you have any suggestions for books or podcasts that you think would be helpful or encouraging I would love the suggestions! :-)