Sunday, August 11, 2013

More Grandma and Grandpa Visits!

This past week Madi got to meet another set of grandparents! My dad and his wife Mary flew out to Norway to help us around the house and meet their first granddaughter.

They arrived late in the evening so the initial meeting wasn't until the following day in pajamas. :-)

We took them to our favorite places around Stavanger like the butcher and the farmer's market and our favorite Norwegian restaurant Skagen. They also got to attend church with us where Madi was an angel (for the third week in a row!) and slept the entire service.

They also got to attend Madi's six week checkup with me at the helsestasjon.

But mostly we just spent time at home enjoying this little one!

Do I have to wake up Daddy?!

Bottle attempt...She was not a fan
Madi's beautiful necklace from Grandpa and Grandma!

It was a huge blessing to have them here helping cook dinner, clean the apartment, and cuddle with this mischievous little cutie!! 

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