Sunday, December 22, 2013

2013 Christmas Card Reveal

The Christmas cards are stuffed, sealed, addressed, and stamped and in the post as we speak! So I think it's okay for an Internet reveal. :-)

I love sending Christmas cards. I was devastated not to send them last year but with the move and everything going on we didn't have time. Instead we sent "We're Moving / Expecting" postcards. This year, however, I made sure to get them made and ordered. I sent them to Colorado to make sure they would arrive before we did and got them assembled with the help of my amazing hubby and sister-in-law Lily.

Once again I used GotPrint for the order. I was able to download their template for Adobe Illustrator and design the entire thing myself. Their prices are super reasonable and since I am a snob about not wanting logos on my cards they are a win-win in my book! Here's our 2011 Christmas card and our birth announcement, both of which were designed and ordered through GotPrint. (By the way GotPrint has no idea who I am so it's safe to say I'm not being compensated for my shameless plug. :-) )

So without further ado (let's be honest you probably already scrolled down to it anyway!) -

The Stingerie 2013 Christmas Card

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