Thursday, June 19, 2014

Madi's One Year Photo Shoot

Personality. Attitude. Spunk. Looks. These are some of the things that I anticipated my daughter would have... but not quite this quickly in her young life. Madi's one year photo shoot was a lesson in lowering removing my expectations for any and all future photo sessions.

Madi typically does fabulous behind the camera. (Not like we make her do photo shoots regularly or anything - just like twice a month. ;-) ) She's a ham and seems to have learned exactly when to smile, etc.

So I deduced (because it sounds more intelligent than assumed) that our one year photo shoot during our visit to Houston would be a breeze. We'd get some fabulous shots of us as a family and with Jason and I individually in her beautiful dress that my friend Ashley from Elise's Mama Sews custom made for her. She'd be reaching out for Teddy, holding a giant balloon and pointing (which she always seems to do with balloon...except that day, haha), and especially enjoying her Ooh La La cupcake smash in my friend Chelsea's high chair that she kindly lent to us for the occasion.

I did not factor in the fact that she apparently likes to get new teeth on trans-atlantic flights (seriously none since February until this trip!) or that our friend Marianne from Charade Photography would innocently try to adjust her position causing an end-of-the-world meltdown because a stranger (gasp) barely touched her.

Marianne captured some great photos still because she's just amazing! However, there are definitely a few gems of Madi from that day showing her attitude and looks - I can only imagine what the future has in store for us with our little handful. :-)

Such a sad little face!!

Um, wow. Talk about a look. This will in fact be printed on a 16x20 canvas and displayed in her playroom as payback.

Very mischievous...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that beautiful baby girl!

I can't believe you turn one tomorrow baby girl!!! You have lots of personality girlfriend and are so adorable and we love you...especially when you are sticking your tongue out at people during a photo shoot. Priceless. :-)

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