Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Evelyn and Olivia: 18 Months

You'll notice it's gotten exponentially challenging to get a good, non-blurry picture of either girl. They are constantly on the move and keeping up with them is tiresome! They are both starting to understand basic directions and help with things like cleaning up, bringing us stuff, and coming when we ask. If they are in the mood. We are also starting to get quite a bit of sass from both of them.

Both of you love to dance! You love music and keep "singing" at bedtime. Speaking of bedtime, apparently us holding you for a couple praise and worship songs and snuggles are in the past. Now you just want to run laps across the bedroom floor and turn the lights off and on. I think this age was around the same time Madi threw out the bedtime routine also so we probably should have seen it coming. You do however give Madi and one another hugs and kisses and it has got to be the most precious thing ever. We need to capture it on video while we still have a chance - ha!

There is a new (old) favorite show in the house - Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I say new (old) because Madi was enthralled with it for the longest time, but since her attention span lengthened to actual movies we haven't done as many TV shows. However, a Mickey Mouse was brought and quickly snagged by Evelyn who will now ask for "Me-mee" and start bobbing her head (called dancing for her - ha!) and saying "dit dah dit dit dah" like the song at the end "Hot dog hot dog hot diggety dog". Evy will also clap and raise both her hands in the air when they sing that song at the end of each episode. If this trend sticks I'm thinking an "Oh Two-doodles" birthday theme will be in order. ;-)

Apparently I am now Daddy as both of you have started calling me that rather than any variation of Mommy. Evy won't switch back to Mommy at all, but if I say "Who am I?" silly to Liv then she will smile and say "Mommy!" So you are playing me. That is obvious.

This month you've both started "riding" Madi's scooter. You'll put both feet on the base and hold on while one of us walks you around the living room. During this exercise the other parent is pushing the other one or two in the small car or tricycle or balance bike. This has become our nightly exercises.

Once we move from the bottom floor (with the modes of transportation) up to the third floor in an attempt to settle down before bedtime, we find all three of you spinning in circles. All of you, but especially Evy, make yourselves so dizzy that you stumble around falling over and occasionally hitting the floor. It's a futile attempt to wind down before bedtime.

- Evy is starting to say "Pease" for "Please" regularly. She's also started saying "Yeah" in the cutest voice that she doesn't realize will cause Daddy to give her anything she asks for it's so adorable. She also says "Toodles", "Bubble", and quite a few others that I'm blanking on now.
- We thought you were the cautious one, but apparently that does not extend to people since you've walked up to and opened your arms to be picked up by all of the following strangers: workmen in the house, salad delivery person, giant turtle costume person, and giant bunny person. We obviously need to work on your stranger-danger scenarios.
- You've got 16 teeth and just need your back four molars (2 top, 2 bottom) for a complete set.

- While your sister has mastered "Please" and "Yeah", you my dear have mastered "No" And let's just say you like to shake your head and use it regularly even if we are offering something you want. It takes you a second and then you nod your head yes or motion with your hand to give it to you.
- You've had your first two-word sentences and regularly say "Hi Daddy", "Bye Daddy", "Hi Mommy", and "Bye Mommy"
- You are our little diva still and love necklaces and any bag that you can put things in and carry around with you.
- You remain more hesitant with strangers and family until you've been around them for a little while. Quite the opposite of your sister!
- You've got 14 teeth and just need your back four molars (2 top, 2 bottom) plus 2 additional top teeth for a complete set.

Both of you love to laugh (something I think I mention every month, but am so grateful about). You love to play with one another and your big sister. We are so blessed to be your parents and love you! 

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