Evelyn and Olivia: 21 Months
I feel like time flew faster than usual between 20 months and 21 months thanks to having guests, moving houses, celebrating Jason's birthday and local holiday Novruz, and then jetting away to Singapore for two weeks!
There was a definite transition from 20 to 21, but I'm having trouble pinpointing how to describe it. You are both expressing yourselves more and understanding so much more. You are answering yes, no, okay (verbally and with head shakes). You are throwing tantrums when you don't get your way (fun) and playing independently extremely well. You can now both slide and climb most everything on the playground and are begging to go outside daily. You love to go for walks and play with sand and water. I guess it just seems like you are both so grown-up and understanding of your surroundings - which is fun, but also makes me a bit teary-eyed pulling out your 2T clothes. :-/
Happy 21 months sweet girls!