I am an adventure-loving, super organized, and uber nerdy engineer who loves the Lord, my husband Jason, and our two cats CeCe and Zoey.
Jason and I met and fell in love while studying engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. In 2008, I graduated, got married to my best friend, moved to Houston to be with him and start my career, and bought our first house together. Needless to say it was a big year for both of us!
We decided that in 2012 we'd try to top that though when Jason graduated with his Master's, we took a big graduation trip, found out we were moving to Norway, and that we were expecting a baby come June 2013. Whoever said you should only do one major life change a year didn't know what he was talking about! ;-)
This blog is an eclectic mix of everything to do with our lives - from using our cats as test subjects for baby equipment to visiting the Northern Lights and traveling as much as possible to attempting sewing and craft projects.
I hope you find it entertaining, uplifting, and enjoyable! Thanks for stopping by! :-) Read more...