Contact Us
Here are all the ways you can stay in touch with the Stingeries!
1. Our website. Which you already know about if you are reading this post. ;-)
- If you use Gmail, then you can follow the blog by clicking on the Follow button on the right-hand side that says "Join This Site". You can also add my blog address to and see updates when I post on there.
- If you would prefer to get emails every time I post, then you can enter your email address in the box on the right-hand side that says "Want Email Notifications When I Post? Then Use This!"
2. Email.
3. What's App. Download this app to any smart phone and you will be able to text us without any additional charges for International messaging. (This is also the only way we can send/receive picture messages so if you want baby photos texted to you, then download the app ;-) ).
- Let us know if you download the app and we will give you our cell numbers!
4. Our US cell phone numbers. We can still receive texts and phone calls to our old US numbers. We can also respond to text and make out going calls. We just can't send any picture texts using this, but you can call us!
- Let me know if you don't have our old US cell numbers and want them.
5. Skype! Thanks goodness for Skype dates to stay in touch with friends and family. You can also call us using FaceTime if you are a Mac user.
- Darcy's Skype name: darcy.stingerie
- Jason's Skype name: jstingerie
6. Facebook. Both of us are on Facebook so look us up and add us as a friend.